Intro to Inner Products in QuDirac

Every QuDirac state or operator has a type parameter P<:AbstractInner which denotes the inner product behavior for the object. QuDirac comes with two such inner product types:

abstract AbstractInner
immutable KroneckerDelta <: AbstractInner end
immutable UndefinedInner <: AbstractInner end

For each inner product type, a method of the inner_rule function is defined which evaluates the inner product of two basis states given the states' labels. For example, the definitions of inner_rule for the two types above are similar to the following:

inner_rule(p::UndefinedInner, b::StateLabel, k::StateLabel) = InnerExpr(InnerProduct(p, b, k)) # lazy evaluation of inner product
inner_rule(::KroneckerDelta, b::StateLabel, k::StateLabel) = b == k ? 1 : 0

The arguments to inner_rule are, in order:

  1. p::AbstractInner -> An instance of the product type for which this method is defined
  2. b::StateLabel -> The Bra label of the inner product being evaluated.
  3. k::StateLabel -> The Ket label of the inner product being evaluated.

Later, we'll examine how to overload this function for new inner product types. There's one thing to learn before we get there, however: how to switch between existing inner product types.

Assigning inner product types to QuDirac objects

To create an instance of a Ket or Bra with a specific inner product type, you can simply pass an instance of the type to the ket or bra function:

julia> ket(UndefinedInner(), 1, 2)
Ket{UndefinedInner,2,Int64} with 1 state(s):
  1 | 1,2 ⟩

If you don't explicitly select a type, a default inner product type is used. The user can set the default inner product type for the current session with the default_inner function:

julia> default_inner(UndefinedInner())
INFO: QuDirac default inner product type is currently UndefinedInner()

julia> ket(1,2)
Ket{UndefinedInner,2,Int64} with 1 state(s):
  1 | 1,2 ⟩

As you've probably noticed from previous examples, the out-of-the-box default inner product type is KroneckerDelta.

Custom inner product types

Defining a new inner product type is as easy as creating the type and its inner_rule:

julia> immutable SumInner <: AbstractInner end

julia> QuDirac.inner_rule(::SumInner, k, b) = int(sum(k) + sum(b))
inner_rule (generic function with 4 methods)

julia> default_inner(SumInner());
INFO: QuDirac's default inner product type is currently SumInner()

julia> d" < 1 | 1 > "

julia> d" < 1,2,3 | 4,-5,6 > "


For certain operations, QuDirac tries to predict the return type of inner_rule to allow for more exact coefficient type inferencing. You can help this prediction by defining a method for the inner_rettype function that specificies what the return type will be for your custom inner product evaluations. For example, for the KroneckerDelta and UndefinedInner types, the following are defined:

inner_rettype(::UndefinedInner) = InnerExpr
inner_rettype(::KroneckerDelta) = Int64

Another example: It's easy to see that evaluations of inner_rule with SumInner will always produce Int64s (or Int32s, if you're on a 32 bit machine), yet Julia isn't necessarily able to inference this (the inferenced return type can be verified using the code_typed macro).

Thus, I can manually share the assumption about the return type with QuDirac by defining the following:

julia> QuDirac.inner_rettype(::SumInner) = Int
inner_rettype (generic function with 4 methods)

Delayed Inner Product Evaluation

Taking inner products with the UndefinedInner type will yield InnerExprs, QuDirac's representations of unevaluated inner products. Instances of InnerExpr can be treated like numbers in most respects:

julia> default_inner(UndefinedInner());
INFO: QuDirac default inner product type is currently UndefinedInner()

julia> d" act_on(< 'x' |, | 'a','b','c' >, 2) "
Ket{UndefinedInner,2,Number} with 1 state(s):
  ⟨ 'x' | 'b' ⟩ | 'a','c' ⟩

julia> s = d" √(< 1 | 3 >)^2 + 1 "
(sqrt(((⟨ 1 | 3 ⟩^2) + 1)))

julia> typeof(s)
InnerExpr (constructor with 4 methods)

julia> d" s * | 1,2,3 > "
Ket{UndefinedInner,3,Number} with 1 state(s):
  (sqrt(((⟨ 1 | 3 ⟩^2) + 1))) | 1,2,3 ⟩

The inner_eval function can be used to re-evaluate InnerExprs by mapping a function to each unresolved inner product:

julia> s = d" (e^( < 1,2 | 3,4 > ) + < 5,6 | 7,8 > * im)^4 "
(((exp(⟨ 1,2 | 3,4 ⟩)) + (⟨ 5,6 | 7,8 ⟩ * im))^4)

julia> f(b::StateLabel, k::StateLabel) = sum(k) - sum(b);

julia> inner_eval(f, s)
8.600194553751864e6 + 2.5900995362955774e6im

# expanding the function ourselves...
julia> inner_eval(f, s) == ((e^((3+4) - (1+2))) + (((7+8) - (5+6)) * im))^4

One can pass in inner product type instances instead of functions, which will evaluate the InnerExpr using the inner product type's inner_rule method:

# evaluate s using KroneckerDelta inner_rule
inner_eval(KroneckerDelta(), s)
1.0 + 0.0im

Finally, inner_eval can be called on states and operators to perform the evaluation on their coefficients:

julia> s = d" act_on( < 'x' | + < 'y' |, | 'a','b','c' > + | 'd','e','f' >, 2) "
Ket{UndefinedInner,2,Number} with 2 state(s):
  (⟨ 'x' | 'e' ⟩ + ⟨ 'y' | 'e' ⟩) | 'd','f' ⟩
  (⟨ 'x' | 'b' ⟩ + ⟨ 'y' | 'b' ⟩) | 'a','c' ⟩

julia> inner_eval((b,k) -> int(b[1]) * int(k[1]), s)
Ket{UndefinedInner,2,Int64} with 2 state(s):
  24341 | 'd','f' ⟩
  23618 | 'a','c' ⟩

julia> inner_eval(KroneckerDelta(), s)
Ket{UndefinedInner,2,Int64} with 2 state(s):
  0 | 'd','f' ⟩
  0 | 'a','c' ⟩

Functions supported by InnerExpr

The following is a list of the functions supported for use with InnerExpr (keep in mind that InnerExpr <: Number):




+(::InnerExpr, ::Number)
+(::Number, ::InnerExpr)

-(::InnerExpr, ::Number)
-(::Number, ::InnerExpr)

/(::InnerExpr, ::Number)
/(::Number, ::InnerExpr)

*(::InnerExpr, ::Number)
*(::Number, ::InnerExpr)

^(::InnerExpr, ::Number)
^(::Number, ::InnerExpr)



log(::InnerExpr, ::Number)
log(::Number, ::InnerExpr)


If you would like support for a function not in the above list, feel free to open an issue or pull request on the QuDirac repo.